Saturday, July 25, 2009,

I have finally updated this blog. I photoshopped the header to put in my precious face :p and changed the whole layout. I like this skin. It's awesome.

So yes... sorry for not updating for like dunno how long! I kinda didn't bother to haha. And... I lost the inspiration. I wanted to kill Blogger this morning. It was being a snobby little brat, not letting me edit the template. So I had to go find another awesome template and thus I came up with this. I like it. :)

Well, there was supposed to be something major in this post, but I have to postpone it to tomorrow, stay tuned, people!

5:15 AM

Friday, May 29, 2009,

Gahhhh.... feel like emoing... wait I already am emoing... 0_o
:( Me sadd.... personal reasons and one of them is because I don't know why. :p

This is an emo song coming up... 90% chance I'll do a recording, 20% chance I'll edit it, give it a background score and post it.


You know I'm always here
You know I'm just right there
You know I wanna see you, in the dark

I know you're just not here
I know you're drifting away
I always see you running, from afar

Because I know....
Because I know... (Oh Oh Oh)

Everytime I see you
Everytime I feel you
Everytime it's the same
There's no change

I don't think there's any love
Time to give it a final shove
I told you...
Everything has gone by
Everyone will deny
Everytime is goodbye

I'm starting to get real tense
Everytime I see you
Talking about me to your friends
I don't even have a clue

What you do
What you think
What you say
You drive me to the brink

But then I cool down
I don't even hear a sound
I look into your eyes
The anger in me dies

Because I know...
Because I know...

Everytime I see you
Everytime I feel you
Everytime it's the same
There's no change

I don't think there's any love
Time to give it a final shove
I told you...
Everything has gone by
Everyone will deny
Everytime is goodbye

And because...
Everytime is goodbye

Well the song is not reflective of anything I have experienced but is on a very small scale based on my current life today. I did alot of things wrong. Thought very bad of some people. I was in the wrong for some reason. I do not know why I thought the way I thought. But I still regret thinking of that... I just have to endure a few more days...

5:04 AM

Saturday, May 16, 2009,

I went to watch Star Trek on Friday after school! DAMN NICE! It is like 10 times better than X-Men Origins!!! Wah lou eh, Star Trek got damn good effects, a kickass storyline and awesome characters. It's not the same old "Men in tights running around shooting lasers that sounded like Missiles". Now it SERIOUSLY makes Star Wars look like a wimp! I will definitely be watchin the sequel.

((Replies to comments))
Xinyi - Ok ok... change aredi
Banu - LOLZ! I'll change it to MsChatterbox. :p!!!!

Anyways, I changed the music player and my currently playing songs. I added Enrique Iglesias's 'Takin Back My Love' featuring Ciara. Damn nice!
Hmmm, I realised I did not do songs for a while... I'll do a remix to any one of the songs in my currently playing. So just look out for it in the next few posts. :D

So, I'm gonna meet Alastar and maybe Xinyi at CCK later. Just go loiter around. My bro's friends are over for lunch. Anyways... THANK YOU MUM! She made Mango Chutney for me. *ahhhhhh* Mango chutney roxx! My favourite dish EVAAARR!!!

LOL... I think that's it for now... so asta la vista!

11:22 PM

Monday, May 11, 2009,

Okayyyss, went to watch Xmen Origins today. Daaaammmnn nice sae! I loved it! Would recommend it to anyone!

Anyways, my top 5 english songs still the same people...
and to Justin: Thanks for liking my blogskin! :p

Yeah, got exam tomorrow! Ahhhh, its Geog than Tamil Paper 1. OMG. That's like double trouble. Anyways, I am preparing for it... so wait a minute... why am I blogging... O_o


5:05 AM

Saturday, May 2, 2009,

Hey people! I changed da blogskin and I edited it abit here and there. I hope you lyk my new blog song.... I DO!!!! I lurve it! It's so awesome! Ciara's voice blends so beautifully with Justin Timberlake.

All night, show it, just you and the crowd
Doing tricks you never seen
And I bet that I can make you believe
In love and sex and magic

I LOVE the tune!!! Its damn effing catchy!!! Anyways, I went to watch knOwing on Monday, damn nice! Lurve the movie, i would recommend it to anyone! But still... my desire lies to watch X-Men Origins, anybody free to watch?

4:12 AM

Tuesday, April 21, 2009,

Me at my cousin's house! Seeexxxxaaayyeee! LOL! Just kiddin! :p So yeah... there was a surprise party for my mum and dad. They were officially married for 20 years on the 7th of April 2009. The party was at Golden Landmark Hotel. The next pic was the two-tier cake my aunt bought for her.

The cake!
The party went awesome, once I get pics I will post them! Just caught up with Thulasi today. Mwahahahha, her SYF on Thursday! Wish her good luck though... mine was last week. Still no results guys. -_-

Anyways, I didn't go school ystd. I was feeling sick. Flu, Cough and Headache. Oh shit, got tuition in about 40min... gotta make this fast!!!

So I was playing my guitar and got this photo (By the way, I gotta go, seeya!):

Cool pic ah, Me LIKE itttt... Bye bye, gotta go!

2:13 AM

Wednesday, April 15, 2009,

Hey guys! I'm in Bio lesson in the computer lab. I haven't gotten the result for our SYF competition yet. Hope we do good!

Lol today almost slept during Core Skills. They finally turned on the air con. YAY! Then I was tried getting a guy's fringe off... as in see how he would look like without his fringe. Yeah... I failed... miserably. LOL

Yeah, I guess I have to sign off here. Don't expect a post from me till Saturday//

6:20 PM