Tuesday, April 21, 2009,

Me at my cousin's house! Seeexxxxaaayyeee! LOL! Just kiddin! :p So yeah... there was a surprise party for my mum and dad. They were officially married for 20 years on the 7th of April 2009. The party was at Golden Landmark Hotel. The next pic was the two-tier cake my aunt bought for her.

The cake!
The party went awesome, once I get pics I will post them! Just caught up with Thulasi today. Mwahahahha, her SYF on Thursday! Wish her good luck though... mine was last week. Still no results guys. -_-

Anyways, I didn't go school ystd. I was feeling sick. Flu, Cough and Headache. Oh shit, got tuition in about 40min... gotta make this fast!!!

So I was playing my guitar and got this photo (By the way, I gotta go, seeya!):

Cool pic ah, Me LIKE itttt... Bye bye, gotta go!

2:13 AM

Wednesday, April 15, 2009,

Hey guys! I'm in Bio lesson in the computer lab. I haven't gotten the result for our SYF competition yet. Hope we do good!

Lol today almost slept during Core Skills. They finally turned on the air con. YAY! Then I was tried getting a guy's fringe off... as in see how he would look like without his fringe. Yeah... I failed... miserably. LOL

Yeah, I guess I have to sign off here. Don't expect a post from me till Saturday//

6:20 PM

WAIIITTT!! Long post ahead. Please be prepared! :p
OMG!!!!!! Today was lyk the best daaaayyyy evvvvvaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrr. BTW, today was my SYF Competition. Read 'bout it!

Like I don't even know how to explain it... or maybe I should just say everytin in detail. Ummmm yay?

Kk. First of all, I was in school. Lol. Obvious...
Then... got assembly and meet Drama Club after assembly to get briefing on today's competition and got early release forms from Mr. Johnson. Then yadayadayada Math teacher nvvrrr come. I finished my class work in what, like 15min? The other 35min spent on SLACKING. WOOT!

Then got OCP which is Oral Communications Programme. It's some programme that makes us to be able to be more confident and articulate in public speaking. It was fun and enjoyable.... as usual!!!

Then it was P.E. I dreaded it. I put on my P.E attire and slouched down the stairs. Mr.Khoo, our PE teacher, finally came after a while and scolded another class. He ask them to get into push up position and stay there until their PE teacher came. Lol. So Sad!!! But then... there was lightning alert so we went back to class... ANOTHER slack period! WOOT! Awesomeness!!!!!

Then it was recess and I gobbled up as much as I could coz Drama Guys couldn't eat till mid afternoon which was around 3 due to the competition. Oh wait, before that I took my handphone and bag which I brought down for recess. Then it was Guitar Lesson! Yay! So fun. Learn some new chords like D7, E7 and A minor. Dammmn cool.

Of course, that's where my story of school ends and my story of my SYF 2009 Journey Begins! Yes yes, I RAN to the Auditorium coz I was late. Lol. I did my fast walk. Looked like a penguin. *facepalm*

And then, VicePrincipal came along with Mr.Ang who was the guy in charge of Student Development. And then... *doom music*, da Principal walked in. I was like OMG!!! Then we started our final rehearsal before the actual show later on at SYF. Lol. I screwed up the first part of the rehearsal.

Lemme explain, I am the Multimedia Guy. I manage the multimedia. I play the video. I stop the video. Does NOT sound as easy as it is. So I started the video.... NO SOUND!!! AHHHH! I checked everytin before the show. But... I didn't test anything. Booo Me. Lol. Everytin in the laptop was fine for the video to play on the Projector Screen... sound was not muted, cables were plugged in properly BUT the main audio supply was not turned on. -_- LOL. I was like WTF!!!!!!
Then yes everything went smoothly... after that incident. :p. Then Principal gave a motivational speech and then the Vice Principal gave good comments and Mr.Ang showered us with positive remarks and very well-said prayer. Go Mr.Ang!!!!

*dun dun dun* We realised we were getting late for SYF. We hurriedly packed everything into the lorry. (Trust me, everything we had to carry... was ALOT) Then we got into the bus. SYF was at ACS Barker. We unloaded everything and prepared ourselves for what would be the most awesome play in the history of SYF... Okay.. I overdid that. LOL

Then some lady called Grace announced our play. Being part of the technical crew, I RAN up to the technical box where I could control the video from the laptop with the guy controlling the lights (KEVIN) and the guy controlling the sound (FREDDY). The show went gooooddd. The applause was terrific. Not like "Thank God it's over!" but like "That was REALLY GOOD". Well at least that's what my teachers and instructors concluded. :p And by the way, the show finished at 2.25pm

Then me and 12 other chosen ones stayed back to watch 2 more plays. Two words. Utter Bullcrap! Wasted my time! The plays were so melancholic and BORING and flat! I am not evil enough to name to schools, so I shall not defame them. :p And then, Mr. Johnson treated us to some drinks and food at the ACS Barker Canteen. I realised that ACS is SOOOO full of staircases. Wah lou damn tired ah. By this time was like 4.30pm

After that we went back to school and took our stuff. We then saw Mr.Johnson leaving and he was like "Hey guys wanna go Serene Centre? My treat". OBVIOUSLY we said yes!!! Lol. He like spent $92 on us ah. Damn kind. I saw his car for the first time. EFFING AWESOME!!!!!

We went to McDonalds. Sat there for around 1 and a half hours or more. We were like joking around and there were so many chiobu there! :p The Sec 4s kept on like talking abt them. Why not I join in the fun! Haha, then we started teasing Mr.Johnson about his role on TV recently. LOL. We had so mucha fun! Then he had to leave coz his Mum needed him home or somethin. Momma's Boy. LOL!!!!!

Then around 7pm I took 171 to Newton MRT Stn and took train back to Yew Tee. Ahhhh now here I am typing this absurdly long blog post. Hope you had fun reading it! :p

5:54 AM

Friday, April 10, 2009,

New song! PLEASE post comments in da tagboard!

Watch The Ghetto (Rated PG13) in Entertainment | View More Free Videos Online at

6:01 AM

Thursday, April 9, 2009,

Eh whatsup people! I did not post for a week. Yes yes I know you are all very sad. It's ok now... no fear, I am here! Lol... damn cheesy. Ystd was very bad. Don't wanna talk bout it. Gahhh. You CAN ask me what happened personally... I guess! But well, the "bad" thing that happened yesterday became bloody good today! Ahhh, the wonders of time//

Damn sia. I took 960 wid JH to opposite. Yew Mei Green. THen i walk walk then take 307. WHen the bus approaching my stop ahh... i started stoning... then i realised I missed my stop! Grrrrrr. So i got off the next stop. Took me 10min to reach home. Called banban to pass time. Hehehe. She got flu. Lol. Maybe she ate at the Geylang Sirai shop. Hahaha!//

THen, I saww Yaji under da block. He look sooooooooo damn innocent now. Wonder what happened. Need to catch up wid him! Long time no see himm sehh.//

Then ah, today during Core Skills, I learn a few things about a friend of mine whose surname is KOK! Lol. You cannot imagine his daily life in school. Yes yes... I know I am very bad. I call him KOKroach. Kok-A-Doodle-Doo. Ahh welll... nthin u can do bout it! Anyway, tamil lesson sucked like usual. Wah lou ah. My tamil teacher... gahhhh! I dunno what to say. But then... cannot say bad stuff larrrh. But she write in my diary. Ai yah... need to ask my parents to sign. Shit. I always forget to bring stuff.... boo hoo. I need to clear up the misunderstanding between her and me....

So yesh, that's it. Oh yeah, I'm HOPEFULLY goin for a movie tmr. And now... I'm done wid my blog post. Seeya guys!

3:55 AM