Sunday, March 29, 2009,

Hey peeps I'm in school yay! Hopefully my teacher isnt looking hahahaa.
I bought a new guitar yesterday then I went to my cousin's house to tune it. Haha, he lives opposite me. Yippee!

I just got an interest in playing the guitar. I do suck at it now but maybe I'll be better later on. Practice makes perfect or something along those lines. Lol, Wei Xiang isn't bothered to post.Hahahaha! Lol, rite now he is fighting with another guy so that he can post in Blogger. I'm done with my assignment so I can use the computer... or at least that's what I think. Oh great, Wei Xiang is posting now! :p

I'll post pics of my guitar once I get home! Hmmmm... Song Time.

Me and My Guitar

Playing through the night.
Checking that your chords are right
My guitar is my shining knight
Just so wonderful and so bright

Time goes on,
Neglecting me and my guitar
It's time for me to run
Just me and my guitar

Me and my guitar
Always near never far
Just me and my guitar
Then I'll be a star

Plucking Strumming Tuning
Simply feels like flying
It's me and my guitar
Always near never far

Okies! Ill post the pics once I get home! One more thing....

7:09 PM

Monday, March 23, 2009,

Life has been hectic for me peeps. Ups and Downs. Emotional Rollercoaster Rides.
Well Sorry but no song today. Emo post lolz.

When you think suddenly everything is going great then you have the most epic downfall in the history of mankind. Everything goes so smooth and then you're stopped dead in your tracks by some bloody thing/person. That always happens to me. One minute I'm happy-go-lucky wid everyone and the next I'm trash-talkin bout them. I mean like seriously what the hell!

So many people have good lives. Why can't I. I might be taking my life for granted but heck, who doesn't. I got all the things I need; a laptop, an Xbox360 and lotsa other stuff like awesome parents and friends. But one thing I don't get is... why the HECK some people are bloody irratating. One minute they're so nice than the next they're literally bashing me in everything they say. WHY???!!!

Well... I guess this is also due to me. I'm so busy nowadays... Drama with SYF Coming Up... Diploma with the exam this Saturday... Those Utterly Useless School Events... Tuition... and obviously balancing ALL of these wid my life. I seriously don't know how some people do it... how do they survive. Bloody Hell. I may sound emo and alll.... maybe I am but... I dunno. Suddenly I feel like I hav no sense in life. I have no purpose. Would anyone here be kind enough to tell me what meaning and purpose I have in this world... why does this world need me?

*Maybe then I'll compose another EMO song*

Signing off miserably...
I'll see you guys in the next post....

2:15 AM

Friday, March 20, 2009,

Halo by Beyonce Remade for Banban
Entitled Outgrow (Emo)

Remember the day you left
Honey, I just can't forget.
You didn't even say goodbye.
That was the last time we met.

You never ever let me in.
Always letting me down.
Pushing me around like you owned me.
I won't forgive you now.

It was like I was drowning.
You left me dying.
I never want to see you.
I will always leave you out.

Wherever I'm heading now,
I just don't want to see your face.
Baby I just don't want to know.
I am going to widen the space.

When I count to four,
I just want you out the door,
Baby I just don't want to know.
I'll pray you go away.

You're something I outgrow. (Outgrow Outgrow)
Just something I outgrow. (Outgrow Outgrow)
You made me so emo. (Emo Emo)
Just made me so emo. (Emo Emo)

I really just want to run.
When you always put up a fight.
You're the one I don't want
Somebody I hook up at night.

I swore I'd never fall again
But this don't even feel like falling
Gravity can't forget
To pull me back to the ground again

It was like I was drowning.
When you left me dying.
I never want to see you.
I will always leave you out.

Wherever I'm heading now.
I just don't want to see your face.
Baby, I just don't want to know.
I am going to widen the space.

When I count to four,
I want you out the door.
Baby, I just don't want to know
I'll pray you'll go away.

You're something I Outgrow. (Outgrow Outgrow)
Just something I Outgrow. (Outgrow Outgrow)
You made me so Emo. (Emo Emo)
Just made me so Emo. (Emo Emo)

You're something I Outgrow. (Outgrow Outgrow)
Just something I Outgrow. (Outgrow Outgrow)
You made me so Emo. (Emo Emo)
Just made me so Emo. (Emo Emo)


Wherever I'm heading now.
I just don't want to see your face.
Baby, I just don't want to know.
I am going to widen the space.

When I count to four,
I just want you out the door.
Baby, I just don't want to know.
I'll pray you'll go away.

You're something I Outgrow. (Outgrow Outgrow)
Just something I Outgrow. (Outgrow Outgrow)
You made me so Emo. (Emo Emo)
Just made me so Emo. (Emo Emo)

You're something I Outgrow. (Outgrow Outgrow)
Just something I Outgrow. (Outgrow Outgrow)
You made me so Emo. (Emo Emo)
Just made me so Emo. (Emo Emo)

Wow another song. Lol. Took about 50min or this one. Yes that is not a typo. It took fifty minutes to write out those miserable lyrics. As i said before, I MAY try to do it. Okies?
Anyways, yes yes I know I changed the blogskin... AGAIN. Lol. I dunno I just like variety.

Sianzz... holidays going to end ehhh. I think I'm gonna cry. LOL Nth to do during holidays then they load us with homework to keep us occupied. I going to write letter to MOE. If they can't stop giving us homework, we should just rename holidays to Project Period or something like Learning@ Home. lol.

Since those lyrics exhausted me, this is where I shall end da post. Seeeyaaa!!

12:40 AM

Sunday, March 15, 2009,

Ehhhssss. Long time no update peoples! So ummm, this a shout out for what I'm feelin rite now.

Stab in My Heart composed by A Arvind Jay (This is a song)
Not important. Just astray.
I wait for you everyday.
I just really wanna say.

We aint fallin apart.
We're just giving in.
We ain't growing the heart.
We're not doin anythin.

And you put a...

A stab in my heart.
A feeling in my gut.
I'm back to the start.
Due to the stab in my heart.

We should just try
We should just laugh
You shouldn't cry
On my behalf.

We should learn together.
And trust one another.
Only then can we go further.
Maybe you're committing a murder.

You don't know how it feels.
You just won't understand.
All of this just reveals.
I couldn't meet your demand.

And you put a....

A stab in my heart.
A feeling in my gut.
I'm back to the start.
Due to the stab in my heart. (x3)
I just love the song.... it would turn out perfect as a hit single. LOL
I am open to requests for poems and song lyrics which are subject to rejectioN!

So well. I watched "Push" the movie on Friday then I just watched Race To Witch Mountain today. Push was utter BULLCRAP. Race to Witch Mountain was darn good. I watched it with Vinod who then came over to play some games. Yeah. I had fun. :D

Listen guys... I MIGHT... just MIGHT... TRY to perform the song. Like I said... JUST MIGHT and TRY. If it doesn't turn out as expected... then I will not consider posting it. Anyways, seeya guys.

1:27 AM

Monday, March 2, 2009,

Dance the night away

Dance away another day

Put out the gray

Let in the sunray

Put it together

Merge One another

Feel the other

Trust your partner

Bond the spirit

More than just a bit

As our bodies combined

The way of dancing was refined

In da Rain!!! My face blurrrr.

After I got caught in da rain
New blogskin.... AGAIN!!!!!!!! Lolz. This one was dammmn dammmnnn nice. I like it. :D
I JUST came back from a nice bicycle ride. It rained so dammn bloody heavily.... (and that was da fun part :D) LOL. Me, Yaj and Keith went. Keith was so emo once it started raining arrh. Lol. So we ask him go home first. Then I and Yaji cycle for a while and then ummm went to Yew Tee to dry ourselves at the toilet :D...

Then we saw Keith there... :p! He didnt go home. Lol. He went a long way under shelter then got nomore shelter! So he heckcare just ride lorr! Then umm Yaji bought Slurpee and rode back home. On da opposite pavement from my house, it was DAMNNNN flooded. So fun to cycle on! Hehehehehehe! We hadd soooo mucha fun!

I guess this is where I sae my farewell. :D Seeya peeps!

2:52 AM