Thursday, January 29, 2009,

As the sun sets,
as my hopes part,
I fail to pay up debts,
Debts of the heart...

Once I see you,
my eyes are widened,
My heart just flew,
It's spirit lightened...

You've made a special brew,
one for me and one for you,
I'll be loving you through,
all the years that are due...

Hey guys! I made another poem lol.... this one is entitled "Loving You". Its about a guy waiting for a girl and then they finally meet. She makes him some voodoo love potion that will make him love her forever....

So yeah, today I had Bowling at Raffles Town Club. Then I took 190 back home and saww Banban at CCK Interchange... I was like WTH? Lol, then in the bus DAMN DAMN funny sia! I moved in to the innermost part of the seat so Banu could sit beside me than one old hag come chiong the seat. I was like LOL!!!! Banu's face = priceless!!!! I was teasing her about it throughout the journey home laahs! So yah, tomorrow got holiday... yay!!!!!! Its becoz of good O level results... so good rite??? Hahaha, so while you people go to school, I'll get to wake up late. LOL!!!

Lol, Banu must be cursing that old hag by now.... :p!!!

12:56 AM

Sunday, January 25, 2009,

In a world of the pained,

I stopped to look around,

and noticed how much I gained,

New friends I had found,

Stronger bonds I had trained,

To this destiny I am bound,

With the fun never drained,

Meet at the playground,

Or somewhere else if it rained,

I know you'll be there by my side

Night till Day

From each other we'll never hide,

And to be together forever we shall pray...


For the past year or so, I noticed alot of changes in my life. Mostly good, basically the poems above describe the main changes...

Banu: About a year ago... you were only known to me as my best friend's friend... noww, you're more like asister to me... thanks yeah? So well, I just want to express my deepest and sincerest regards to you, thanks for being such a great friend!

Shamraj: Hey bro, over a year ago or so, we were just plain ole cousins, then we only saw each other during tuition. But nowadays, its more like we see each other at least once in 2 weeks.. Yeah, lets be more of friends than cousins!

Roma: I like didn't even know you anyhow last year. Then I saw you once chatting under the block, then I totally forgot about you. Then I saw you Ban/Chan's Friendster and remembered you. And like now I tag your blog like once in 2 days! You're a good friend to sms during nighhttt too! ;)

Yaji: Dude, we were like Best Friends a year ago... now we're more than brothers man... we've gone to movies, went swimming, done all sorts of stuff, cycling, exploring new places ... etc. You're more like a brother to me than anyone else... I've known you for more than half my life too...

Ruban: Like I only knew you through Thulasi since P5. Ever since then we've been filming, playing soccer, going to the playground... it's like you're my daily friend. But this year you're doing your O's, so I won't bother you that much, you're like a brother to me to, like Yaji! So well, hope this friendship stays forever...

Thulasi: Over a year ago, we talked in school only. Now we IM each other, call each other and SMS each other. Even if I don't see you for long I can still talk to you as though we've been talking everyday. You're a sister to me. Perhaps more. I'll remember alll the fun things you, me, Kugan and Saktish did during STEP Tuition forever. ;)

Kugan: Dude, you're like the bestest bro ever man. But now you've flown off to Perth. You'll be coming back at the end of the year... but then I only see you twice a year. I do hope all the four of us can go out on an outing again! I'm looking forward to seeing you this year...

Saktish: Dude... we haven't watched a movie in a while but surely I went to your house lotsa times last year, I'm looking forward to watching a movie with you soon... I know that you'll always stick out for me and I got ya back, you know that right?

Most of the names which are mentioned above are my friends that I will remember for life. Those whose names are not mentioned and feel you have a place in my heart, remember this: If you think you know me, then by all means the door to my heart is open for you...

Everlasting, the loved,

you are my beloved

Times can come and go,

but you'll always be as sweet as a dove

To me you mean a lot,

to the world you may seem nothing,

but in my heart you have earned a spot


Both poems are by me, written out and purely thought of.

7:59 PM

Saturday, January 24, 2009,

Starstruck, Baby Can You Get My Heart Up///

Oh yeah, that's right, changed the blogskin AGAIN man!!!! Hahaha, anyways yesterday I went cycling wid Yaji to the "Big and Fast" Ramp or so I call it. :D
It's big, it's fast.... so it's Big and Fast larrhs! Then we went down it and crossed the road LEGALLY to the other side. Then we parked our bikes in a place where we could run up to them in time in case anyone stole them. So yeah, Yaji filmed me doing some lipsyncs... email me if you wanna watch 'em. LOL!

SO yes, on Friday I had one of the best meetings eva... except this wasn't an official meeting but was unofficial that was legal in some sorts. Ehhhh, I'm confused!!!! Well, Me, Banban, Ruban, Jason and Alastar formed a new group. Jason's the only chinese lol. Ehhh, let's kick him out. Banu, if you're reading this I think you'd agree. Coz he doesn't know our tamil slang haha!

And well, I changed Blog Song oso, I edited the Banner for this blog to make it look like it was mine, there was some ang moh chick's pic there in the first place haha. Well, if you're THAT blind:

The first pic is me taking a pic of me on a big screen which was showing videos of a CCTV video-ing me taking a pic of me on a big screen.... ahhh well I hope you get the idea.

The second pic is me at McDonalds at Limbang and

Third one is somewhere new Yew Tee/CCK Canal/River, I REALLY DON'T KNOW!!!!

Haha... so yeah, I'm running off now to watch some show in the hall in my house. Home Theater = Free, Public Theater = $20, ehhh, so seeya peeps!!

10:43 PM

Monday, January 19, 2009,

Peoples! Arvind's here! Well I dunno but in school was dammn dammmmnn hyperactive siakk! I seriously dunno why! Eh, it is good in some aspects... if only I was like that during P.E! :D LOL!! So ya today was ok larrr. There was Computer Science then we did some test about Microsoft Excel, luckily I finished in time siak! Looks damn damn complicating but all in all it is actually quite simple!

If you've noticedd arrh, I changed the blogskin. I like dis one for some reason! Wheeeeee! Took 700 from school then went to some LRT Station. Then take to CCK Interchange and take 302 back. Should had just taken 190 and then 302. lol. I guess I lyk being sooooo damn complic8tin!

Ummm, I need to award myself, I didnt spend ANY money during recess. yay! Just saved $2.50 by doing so! Hurray! I just updated Banban's link on the links section. You need to scroll down a bit to see the rest of the Navigations. Chat with Banu and Kugan. Kugan so sad he's going to perth tmr. Booooo! But tomorrow's my grandma's birthday! Yayyyyy! Need to find a present for her.... hmmmmmnnnn, any suggestionss?

1:38 AM

Thursday, January 15, 2009,

Hey peeps! Long time no post ehss? today was ummmmm I dunno sae! It was lyk sooooooo ok-ok ahhr. But dat applies to school onli!!!!! Eh maybe excluding last two periods! :D

So yah larr, today tok tok tok with everyone. Discussing some barbeque we supposed to hold for our ex-teacher. Ehhhhhsss.... well so pissed off wid some people. Barbeque aredi so expensive den they stil wanna go chalet. CRAZY OR NOT? Ehhh you choose! :D

Well then ummm then last two periods we went for IEP: Individualised Enrichment Programme. Ummms yeah larr. Today first lesson for itt. I chose bowling ehhh, I pro sia!!! Hahahaha, today learn two new techniques ummmm, kneeldown and some other technique that requires a balancing arm. :D

So yesh, we didn't have lunch coz we were released at ummm, like 3 oclock? Yeahs... so me and Daniel went to errr the Sakae Sushi at Novena MRT Station/Velocity. Quittte nice inside hmmns. Then we saw some phone shop, selling W350i at ummm $238 and the W380i at $258! Quite a good deall i tink! But must wait for next year then can buy new phone! EHhhhhh... hopefully got nice nice phone by next year lar! :D

So well, went Sakae Sushi, then me and Daniel talk about some stuff larr. I ate my crunchy crunchy octopus. (I can hear yall going "eeeeee") Trust me its nice, next time i and youu go okies? Hehehehe. So seeya guys! Pics will come in the next post!

3:03 AM

Saturday, January 3, 2009,

Yesterday went to watch Dhil Daredevils Finale siak. Damnn nice. I went wid Ruban and Yaji and then Yaji went to meet his frens... so I and Ruban watch, got one of the best view eh! Actually I and Yaji cycled there abt 2 hours ago and saw the setting up of evrytin! Quite a busy day for dem i think.

Well then.... ummmm, just watch it larrhs! Later the actor Jeeva came. He cut his hair eh, look better now lol. So yeah, the boy-girl team went first...but then i THINK they were out of time so the girl was let loose, dangling in midair!

9:00 PM

Thursday, January 1, 2009,

Syanora 2008!
Asta La Vista!
Bye Bye!
Au Revoir!

Like i said before, seeya! 2008 has been a fast year. Homework, friends, games, cycling and football are a few of the billions of things that I did! And.... hello 2009!!!

Its the first day of the first month of the year 2009! Yesterday was quite fun siak! Went to my cousin house, play the Wii, Rockband!! Then ate yummy yummy chocolate fudge ice cream with chewy marshmallow!!! HEAVENLY!!!! hahaha!

Den i oso ate some tiramisu, not as bad as the other tiramisus I ate! Well, you know whats the first thing we did in 2009? We went to a Shell Station and top up petrol!!! Then we went to Fairprice Xtra at Jurong Point, 24 hours open siak! We were there at like 1.3o AM??? hahahaha! Then we jalan jalan walk here walk there and found my most desirable bike!

18 Speed Mountain Bike with Full Suspension for $191!!!!!!! Woots! Bought it sia obviously.... now I'm gonna take it down to ride for a while!!!

Anyways, after that Fairprice Xtra thingy, we went to have our first meal of 2009, PRATA and MILK TEA!!!! At Ah Mei Kaya Toast, LOLZ!! It was damnn nice well, I gotta pack my bag for school tmr sia...damn sad rite? So byebye! Need to pack and get ready for D-Day tomorrow! Seeya Later!

12:20 AM