Monday, December 22, 2008,

Pls notee dat wow-some is a word I created! LOL

Twilight was dammmmn dammmmmnnnnn nicee sia! I loved the movie. The gurl oso quite prettay, something for me to look at in those 'boring' scenes. :p Well, I and Wei Xiang went to watch it. He sae the ending damn standard, he doesnt know what an ending actually is... lol! The ending actually leads to a sequel, and boy am I buying tickets for that one, anyonne want 2 join me? ;)

Wei Xiang came to my hse before and after the I bought a nice wallet from "The Wallet Shop" for Yaji. Quite nice imo. so ... WHY does EVERYBODY love GTA IV????????????????? Lol, they play that game as if never play game b4 siaakk. Lol, I should hide my game the next time they come my house. Mwhahahahahaha!

So well now I'm chatting with Roma, she's lyk never busy. LOL, she was watching Desperate Housewives maebe coz shee oso despo for somethign LOL!!! Well, now ii'm awaitin my mum's response to whether, she, Banchan and Yaji can come my house. Ehhh...hope can! See you guys l8r & rmbr to tag me!

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7:27 PM

Sunday, December 21, 2008,

Click the following links!

The Sketch
Photoshop Edit 1
Photoshop Edit 2

First one, Roma drew for me. Thanks gal!By the way, da second and third are photoshopped. :D
My, my, my! What a BEAUTIFUL sketch Roma made for me. Tralalalla. LOL, thx Pwettygurl for the drawing and da tag!

Now.... to Bolt! Bolt was (in one word...) AWESOME! Maybe funny too. ii loovvveedd Rhino the cutie little hamster. "He's Bolt, the superdog!" LOL! The whole movie in itself was great. It was an animation like NO other. This had me captivated throughout the WHOLE movie, one of teh few animations that actually can. I would recommend a 9/10 for this movie. :D

Anyways, gonna watch Twilight with Wei Xiang tmr. Hope its good and not too much romance like my bro said. I heard they're makin a sequel and then Micheal Copon from Power Rangers Time Force will be replacing Taylor Lautner as Jacob Black. If i'm not wrong, there are 4 books i think. The second book is called "New Moon". Cool!

Hope the movie is good. Anyways, seeya guys!

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4:29 AM

Friday, December 19, 2008,

Mwaahhahahahaha, dis is the first post and I'm already laughing...lolz. As you all know me as Arvviinnd or maybe Filming Boy or Dreamy Boy (i'mm nott actually THAT dreamy lol). I used to have blogs. All were spammed lyk hell lol. Ehhh, so now I'm just waiting until 4 to go down play soccer. And I'm STILL waitin for me new bike... with front suspension. "Ooooohh....bouncy bike!"

LOL! :p Anyways, I'm just slacking during the holidaes as usual. Gonna watch Bolt todae. I am a damn idiot siakk. I wanted to book tickets for Orchard Cathay, my brother thought it was THE CATHAY!!!! LMAO, i feel so dumb right now... hahaz

I weaallly hope the movie is good. LOL, after seeing the trailerss i soooooo totally loved Rhino. So cute, fuzzy and such a big fuzzbucket hairball. LOL. He's too cutie for his ownn gooddd!!!!! Lolz, nowadays chatting with PwettyGurl... ehhh she really likes saying tralalalalala and dadadada. Lol. coz dats wat hindi gurls do lol. :p

Gotta go now and figure out how to make dis blog nice lol... seeya!

10:26 PM